Fighting is Magic: Aurora
Welcome to the release of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;
1. Redesigned ‘What’s New?’ dialogue.
2. Redesigned ‘About’ dialogue.
3. Added ability to download and install Aurora
4. Added ability to download and install Aurora
5. Added ability to download and install Aurora
6. Added ability to download and install Aurora
7. Added ability to download and install Aurora
8. Fixed Aurora download displaying wrong size information.
9. Fixed some text capitalisation.
10. Added ability to download and install New World Evolution.
11. Edited tooltip for netplay option on main window to “Netplay (Online Multiplayer via Telepone)”.
12. Fixed a bug where on occasion, enabling Team Versus would not work.
13. Added progress of build installs and update installs into the taskbar.
14. Launcher now remembers which build you had selected before you ended the last session.
15. Added Data Manager to ‘Settings Panel > General’.
16. Added ability to import INI files.
17. Added ability to edit Aurora.ini.
18. Added ability to uninstall Gem Soundtrack.
19. Cleaned up code.
20. – Added ability to download and install Aurora
21. Added ability to download and install Aurora
22. Added ability to download and install Aurora
23. Added ability to download and install Aurora
24. Added ability to download and install Aurora
25. Added ability to download and install Aurora
26. Added ability to download and install Aurora
27. Added ability to download and install Aurora
28 Added ability to download and install Aurora
30. Added ability to download and install Aurora
31. Added ability to download and install Aurora
32. Fixed a bug where menus would not close when clicking on a blank space in the launcher.
33. Finalised re-write of underlying code for build selection.
34. Vastly improved encryption system.
1. Fixed a bug where selecting Applejack’s arcade mode would throw you to the end of the act 3 story.
2. Fixed all stage bugs.
3. Redesigned start/end round animation.
4. Fixed Gilda’s level 1 super not hitting all the time.
5. Gilda is now invincible when using her level 1 super.
6. Big Mac’s j.C is now able to be blocked while standing.
7. Updated Golden Oak Library.
8. Adjusted Chrysalis’ super hitbox to be more precise.
9. Fixed Derpy’s grab.
10. Added Vinyl’s Level 2 super.
11. Finished Vinyl’s Late Set special.
Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.