Fighting is Magic: Aurora
Welcome to the release of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;
1. Added the ability to download and install PowerRoot 3.0.
2. Added the ability to download and install Compilation Edition 3.0.
3. Added the ability to download and install PowerRoot 2.0.
4. Added the ability to download and install MEGA 0.6.2.
5. Added the ability to download and install Tribute Edition dev build.
6. Added the ability to download and install MEGA 0.6.1.
7. Build uninstall button is now disabled if a build directory does not exist.
1. Adjusted character select layering so splash art is now behind character images.
2. Adjusted animation for opening the character select to be much faster.
3. Added Octavia B&W image to character select.
4. Gilda now has pushblock (slightly broken).
5. Updated Gilda’s heavy hit sparks.
6. Adjusted Gilda’s 5C hitbox to be more precise.
7. Fixed a bug where Derpy would play two knockout sounds when defeated.
8. Fixed a bug where sound from the character select would leak into the options menu.
9. Optimisations to make the game run better on lower-end hardware.
10. Adjusted the positioning of Gilda’s splash art on the character select.
11. Adjusted Gilda’s character select splash art to follow the same animation as the other characters.
Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.