Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

This is an improvement over the last public beta release The changes in these updates are as follows;

1. Fixed a bug where Game Speed and Rounds on ‘Settings Panel > Game’ were backwards.
2. Fixed a bug where you could run more than one instance of the launcher.
3. Launcher music has been removed.
4. Added new update prompt.

1. Fixed a bug where Twilight Sparkle’s Mode Select wouldn’t work if you pressed anything other
than A to select.
2. Added new character nameplates to match everything else.
3. Updated Rarity’s magic meter centre.
4. Added mode selection to Rarity.
5. Finalised loading screen.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

This is an improvement over the last public beta release The changes in these updates are as follows;

1. Added language selection (beta).
2. Added Brazillian Portuguese (BR) language (beta).
3. Added Polish (PL) language (beta).
4. Added ‘First Run’.
5. Added compatibility for Windows XP.
6. Redesigned ‘Settings Panel > Game’ dialogue.
7. Fixed a bug when using the Classic Theme on Windows XP, Vista and 7 where the Settings Panel
buttons would appear black with unreadable text.
8. Fixed a bug where manually checking for updates would launch the game.
9. Launcher is now 96 MB lighter.
10. Performance improvements and code clean-up.

1. Redesigned victory point markers.
2. Fixed Pinkie Pie’s palette preview.
3. Fixed Applejack’s palette preview.
4. Fixed Rarity’s palette preview.
5. Fixed Rarity’s hit sparks.
6. Fixed a bug where Pinkie Pie would spawn too close to the CPU on Sweet Apple Acres.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.



We’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Fixed a bug where ‘Clear’ would not work on the address and search bar.
2. Fixed a bug where ‘Undo’ would not work on the address and search bar.

Download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

This is an improvement over the last public beta release The changes in these updates are as follows;

1. The launcher now hides when the game or netplay is open and comes back once they are closed.
2. Updated Discord link.
3. Dialogue boxes no longer show up in the taskbar.

1. Fluttershy is now playable in “story” mode.
2. Fixed inconsistencies.
3. Redesigned outer magic meters.
4. Redesigned HUD.
5. Redesigned hit combo counter.
6. Added new Character Select theme.
7. Added new Training Stage theme.
8. Added new Continue theme.
9. Added new Mode Selection theme.
10. Fixed a bug on Applejack’s mode selection where you could not move the cursor up.
11. Added mode selection to Twilight.
12. Added new loading screen.
13. Changed Twilight’s Magic Spark command to 236A/B/C.
14. Changed Twilight’s EX Magic Spark command to 236D.
15. Changed Twilight’s Chapter Trap command to 214A/B/C.
16. Changed Twilight’s EX Chapter Trap command to 214D.
17. Changed Rarity’s Makeover command to 63214(x2)C.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.



We’ve released a new version of Tweeter, changes and download are below:

1. Fixed dialogue boxes getting put in the taskbar.
2. Updated GeckoFX to 60.0.44.
3. Added tooltips.
4. Performance improvements.

Download it here.



We’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Fixed a bug where ‘Web Studio’ would not open WSHD or WSCD files.
2. Added defined list of formats to the ‘Open’ option on the main window.
3. Added ‘Undo’ and ‘Clear’ options to the address and search bar.

Download it here.



I’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Fixed a bug where the title would not update sometimes on the ‘About’ dialogue.
2. Fixed a bug where ‘Web Studio’ would not save a document.
3. Fixed a bug where ‘Web Studio’ would go behind the main browser window.
4. Fixed a bug where opening a link in a new window would not work.
5. Fixed a bug where ‘Quick Start’ would not show on the title of the main window when visible.
6. Updated ‘Pin’ user interface.
7. Updated ‘Settings Panel > Updates’ user interface.
8. ‘About’ dialogue now closes when clicking the ‘Software Agreement’ link.
9. Removed end of support message.

Download it here.



I’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Fixed a bug where opening ‘Site Security’ when nothing was in the address bar caused
a false encryption status.
2. Added ability to double-click history items in ‘Settings Panel > History’.
3. Added ability to double-click pinned items ‘Settings Panel > Pins’.
4. Cleaned up code.

Download it here.


Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

This is an improvement over the last public beta release The changes in these updates are as follows;

1. Added ability to move the launcher around the screen.

1. Fixed all story mode bugs.
2. Fluttershy story mode disabled for this version only.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

This is an improvement over the last public beta release The changes in these updates are as follows;

1. Added ability to manually check for updates.

1. Reverted Fluttershy back to Aurora
2. Added a fully remastered soundtrack.
3. Applejack now has a new mode select, which is also broken.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.