Tag: Fighting is Magic

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Welcome to the final (minor) version of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;

1. Nothing changed.

1. Added Lyra.
2. Added Zecora.
3. Added Cadance
4. Added Luna.
5. Fixed a bug where sound would cut out on the character select when selecting Octavia.
6. Fixed Octavia’s Pinkamena hug animation.
7. Updated Ponyville stage.
8. Vinyl’s 5C no longer infinites.
9. Vinyl’s j.5B now hits during last attack frames.
10. Vinyl’s 5C now has multihit.
11. Vinyl’s j.5C now has multihit.
12. Vinyl’s 2C now trips opponent.
13. Fixed a bug where Viny’s level 1 and 2 super would crash the game.
14. Added special and whiff sounds to Octavia.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Welcome to the release of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;

1. Added ability to insert date and time into Aurora notes and add-on build notes.
2. Added ability to export Aurora notes and add-on build notes.
3. Redesigned ‘Insert Hyperlink’ so it’s easier to insert hyperlinks into Aurora notes and add-on build notes.
4. Fixed a bug where ‘Insert Hyperlink’ on add-on build notes would not function correctly.

1. Fixed a bug where characters would appear on the wrong stages during Twilight’s “Play” mode.
2. Fixed a bug where characters would appear on the wrong stages during Pinkie Pie’s “Play” mode.
3. Fixed a bug where Vinyl’s Level 1 super (Spotlight Siege) would cause multiple Vinyl’s to appear and sometimes crash the game.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Welcome to the release of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;

1. Redesigned ‘Launcher Help Documentation’ dialogue.
2. Removed “19666” build from build drop-down.
3. Updated build legend tooltips.
4. Sections on ‘Launcher Help Documentation’ now light up when selected.
5. Added ‘Live Support’ section to ‘Launcher Help Documentation’ which contains system information for getting support via the Discord server.

1. Added Princess Cadence (placeholder).
2. Added Princess Luna (placeholder).
3. Added Roseluck (placeholder).
4. Added Zecora (alpha).
5. Fixed Vinyl’s Party Pooper beam animation.
6. Fixed Vinyl’s Late Set magic attack from triggering without the correct amount of magic (hopefully).
7. Added Vinyl’s Level 1 super (Spotlight Siege).
8. Fixed a bug where Applejack’s story cutscenes replaced Twilight’s.
9. Added lyre blocking sprite to Lyra.
10. Fixed a bug where Canterlot Gardens stage music cut out.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Welcome to the release of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;

1. Updated “19666” build review and information stating condemnation, final warning before being removed from the Aurora Launcher completely next update.
2. Fixed a bug where the build foreshadow label would report the wrong text for builds after a certain point.
3. While “Aurora (Default)” is selected in the build selector, the ‘Change build settings’ option will now open the Aurora game settings.
4. Fixed a bug where changing any Aurora-specific setting on the Aurora Launcher would reset controls.
5. Added Ponyville (Evening), Everfree Forest, Crystal Empire and Canterlot Gardens to the stage drop-down in ‘Settings Panel > Game’.
6. Fixed a bug where full screen mode could not be patched on Windows 7 systems.

1. Adjusted Derpy’s Crouch L hitbox to be more precise.
2. Adjusted Derpy’s Crouch H hitbox to be more precise.
3. Adjusted Derpy’s Aerial L hitbox to be more precise.
4. Adjusted Derpy’s Command Air H hitbox to be more precise.
5. Adjusted hitboxes on Derpy’s muffins to be more precise.
6. Adjusted Derpy’s Stand H hitbox to be more precise.
7. Adjusted Applejack’s Crouch L hitbox to be more precise.
8. Adjusted Applejack’s Crouch M hitbox to be more precise.
9. Adjusted Applejack’s Crouch H hitbox to be more precise.
10. Adjusted Applejack’s Launcher hitbox to be more precise.
11. Adjusted Applejack’s Aerial L hitbox to be more precise.
12. Adjusted Applejack’s Aerial M hitbox to be more precise.
13. Adjusted Applejack’s Lasso hitboxes to be more precise.
14. Adjusted Applejack’s Applequake M hitbox to be more precise.
15. Adjusted Applejack’s Applequake H hitbox to be more precise.
16. Adjusted Rarity’s Crouch H hitbox to be more precise.
17. Adjusted Pinkie Pie’s Command Air H hitbox to be more precise.
18. Adjusted Big Mac’s Crouch M hitbox to be more precise.
19. Adjusted Big Mac’s Crouch H hitbox to be more precise.
20. Fixed sprite position on Big Mac’s Reverse Grab.
21. Adjusted Big Mac’s Buck hitbox to be more precise.
22. Adjusted Big Mac’s Buck Followup hitbox to be more precise.
23. Adjusted Big Mac’s Macinbuck hitboxes to be more precise.
24. Adjusted Vinyl’s throw reactions.
25. Adjusted Octavia’s throw reactions.
26. Added Pinkie Pie’s Level 2 super (Machine Cannon).
27. Added Big Mac’s Level 2 super (Buck Season).
28. Added cleaner remaster of the Fighting is Magic Theme to the title and main menu screens.
29. Added remaster of Applejack’s Theme to Sweet Apple Acres.
30. Added remaster of Twilight’s Theme to Golden Oak Library.
31. Added remaster of Rarity’s Theme to Carousel Boutique.
32. Added remaster of Rainbow Dash’s Theme to Cloudsdale.
33. Added remaster of Pinkie Pie’s Theme to Sugarcube Corner.
34. Added remaster of CommandSpry – Unrelented Devotion to Forest stage.
35. Cloudsdale now randomises between the leaked Rainbow Dash Theme and the final Rainbow Dash Theme.
36. Fixed the position of images on Sugarcube Corner.
37. Fixed a bug where the left-hand gramophone on Sugarcube Corner was not visible.
38. Fixed Derpy’s face pic not emoting while in a fight.
39. Fixed a bug where the Training Stage music did not work.
40. Fixed a bug where splash art on the main menu would not change and get stuck on Octavia.
41. Trixie’s Level 2 is now her Level 3.
42. Added Trixie’s Level 2 (Springtrap).
43. Added Derpy’s Level 2 (The Mug’s Eyeful).
44. Added “Dawn” time state to Pony Town Stage.
45. Added “Pony Town – Sunny Island” track to the “Dusk” time state.
46. Optimised files sizes of all stage files.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Welcome to the release of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;

1. Bug fixes and performance improvements.

1. Added Gilda’s Level 3 super (Buzz Off).
2. Added more time to perform Rarity’s Level 3 super (Makeover).
3. Buffed Gilda’s Stand L from -5 > -7 HP.
4. Buffed Gilda’s Stand M from -10 > -11 HP.
5. Buffed Gilda’s Crouch L from -6 > -7 HP.
6. Buffed Gilda’s Crouch M from -21 overall > -24 overall HP.
7. Buffed Gilda’s Crouch H from -13 > -16 HP.
8. Buffed Gilda’s Aerial L from -5 > -7 HP.
9. Buffed Gilda’s Aerial M from -10 > -12 HP.
10. Buffed Gilda’s Aerial H from -18 overall > -21 overall HP.
11. Added new magic attack to Gilda (Get Lost).
12. Added subtle lighting effect to Canterlot Night.
13. Added parallaxing to Octavia’s stage (Summer Evening).
14. Added sunset to Rose’s stage (Ponyville (Evening)).
15. Adjusted hitbox on Big Mac’s Aerial L attack to be more precise.
16. Fixed a bug where Vinyl’s Late Set special would regain magic causing it to be infinitely triggered.
17. Added Twilight’s Level 2 super (Chapter Tornado).
18. Lighting on Golden Oak Library now behaves like a true light source.
19. Adjusted sky colour on Canterlot Gardens to be more pinky-purple.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Welcome to the release of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;

1. Added the ability to change the volume of Aurora.
2. Added the ability to change the volume of add-on builds.
3. Fixed a security issue found when starting Aurora.
4. Stability and performance improvements.

1. Fixed Derpy’s sprites during spiral gethits.
2. Fixed Derpy’s sprites during all Mini Launches.
3. Added new voice lines to Big Mac.
4. Fixed Big Mac’s sprites during spiral gethits.
5. Optimised Big Mac.
6. Optimised Gilda.
7. Fixed Vinyl’s walk cycle sprite alignment.
8. Added a red border to Lyra so her unpopulated sprites are not invisible.
9. Fixed dot crawl on Lyra’s idle sprite.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Welcome to the release of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;

1. Added new icons made by WorldsFavoriteGlitch.
2. Added DLL files for future update that hooks into the Windows Audio Subsystem.

1. Added Lyra (Alpha).

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Welcome to the release of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;

1. Modified Telepone maximum stages to 23.
2. Added “Summer Evening” to stage drop-down in Settings Panel > Game.
3. Temporarily disabled “View Tutorial” button in Settings Panel > Game.
4. Removed buttons for Netplay settings in Settings Panel.
5. Fixed a bug where some build information pages had blank space at the top.

1. Added Octavia’s Launcher.
2. Added Octavia’s backwards walk cycle.
3. Adjusted Octavia’s collision frames to be more precise.
4. Fixed a bug where Fluttershy could not attack on Octavia’s arcade mode.
5. Fixed a bug where “???” did not show HP on Octavia’s arcade mode.
6. Added new loading silhouettes.
7. Fixed a bug where Pinkie Pie would disappear when performing BRB + C with
Pinkie Pie as an opponent.
8. Updated title screen with new character silouettes.
9. Added temporary GI tip to main menu.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Welcome to the release of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;

1. Nothing changed.

1. Added Summer Evening (Octavia’s stage).
2. Added Octavia’s ‘Play’ mode.
3. Added Octavia’s Crouch L, M and H.
4. Fixed Vinyl’s “Play” mode.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Fighting is Magic: Aurora

Welcome to the release of Fighting is Magic: Aurora! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;

1. Fixed text rendering issue on Windows 7 systems.

1. Added Octavia.
2. Nerfed Rainbow Dash’s thunder cloud.
3. Updated command lists.
4. Corrected colours on Vinyl’s magic meter.
5. Updated splash art.

Update via the launcher, if you don’t have the game, download it here.