Tag: WindowsLogic Productions Vivian



We’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Fixed a bug where ‘Clear’ would not work on the address and search bar.
2. Fixed a bug where ‘Undo’ would not work on the address and search bar.

Download it here.



We’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Fixed a bug where ‘Web Studio’ would not open WSHD or WSCD files.
2. Added defined list of formats to the ‘Open’ option on the main window.
3. Added ‘Undo’ and ‘Clear’ options to the address and search bar.

Download it here.



I’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Fixed a bug where the title would not update sometimes on the ‘About’ dialogue.
2. Fixed a bug where ‘Web Studio’ would not save a document.
3. Fixed a bug where ‘Web Studio’ would go behind the main browser window.
4. Fixed a bug where opening a link in a new window would not work.
5. Fixed a bug where ‘Quick Start’ would not show on the title of the main window when visible.
6. Updated ‘Pin’ user interface.
7. Updated ‘Settings Panel > Updates’ user interface.
8. ‘About’ dialogue now closes when clicking the ‘Software Agreement’ link.
9. Removed end of support message.

Download it here.



I’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Fixed a bug where opening ‘Site Security’ when nothing was in the address bar caused
a false encryption status.
2. Added ability to double-click history items in ‘Settings Panel > History’.
3. Added ability to double-click pinned items ‘Settings Panel > Pins’.
4. Cleaned up code.

Download it here.




I’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Cleaned up code.
2. Fixed a bug where the zoom function was not anchored to the corner of the status bar.
3. Fixed a bug where the “No” button would not work on ‘Delete All Save Data?’
4. Fixed a bug where ‘Help’ would not work in ‘Web Studio’.
5. Fixed a bug where clicking a link with, “#” would cause an exception.
6. Updated design of ‘Quick Start’ and main browser window.
7. Added new default background.
8. Removed ‘Malicious Content Blocker’.

Download it here.



I’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Fixed a bug in ‘Web Studio’ where inserting HTML would only work on first line.
2. Fixed some inconsistencies in the user interface.
3. Fixed a bug where dialogues would not display properly.
4. Fixed a bug while in ‘Quick Start’ where it would not close when opening a page from ‘Pins’ or ‘History’ in ‘Settings Panel’.
5. Fixed a bug where the ‘View Certificate’ button would completely disable, even when opening
the dialogue on a secure/unsecure website.
6. Added new icon on the ‘Donate’ button on ‘Quick Start’.
7. Added ability to zoom in, out and reset zoom.
8. Added ability to delete cookies, temporary internet files and all saved data.
9. Fixed a bug where the browser wasn’t respecting HTTP or HTTPS values. Sites were still
connecting securely, but you weren’t being shown and that was a problem.
10. ‘Automatic Updates’ now connects through HTTPS (even though it did server-side regardless).
11. Changed icon for ‘Web Studio’.
12. Help is now online only.
13. Updated malicious content blocker.

Download it here.



I’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Fixed a bug which caused an exception when searching on a blank page.
2. Fixed a bug which would allow HTML tags to be used in the CSS editor on ‘Web Studio’.
3. Added unsaved changes dialogue when choosing ‘New’ or ‘Open’ from the ‘File’ menu on
‘Web Studio’.
4. Icon on ‘Site information’ now changes depending on what type of site you’re on.
5. Fixed a bug which would show the old icons for ‘Site Information’ for a few seconds while
loading a page.
6. Fixed a bug where trying to save would sometimes not work in ‘Web Studio’.
7. Fixed a bug where ‘Web Studio’ settings would not reset.
8. Updated help documentation.
9. Other various bug fixes and performance improvements.

Download it here.

Vivian &

Vivian &

I’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:


1. Fixed a bug which would stop rendering engine from displaying web sites properly.


1. Added new original icon set.
2. Renamed ‘Favourites’ to ‘Pins’.
3. Added Basic HTML tag inserting into ‘Web Studio’.
4. Updated malicious website blocker.
5. Fixed a bug where typing in the address bar would make the browser navigate randomly.
6. Fixed a bug where the ‘Close Tab’ button would not close the browser properly with one tab
7. Fixed the ‘Web Studio’ settings.
8. Redesigned ‘About’ dialogue.

Download it here.

Icons Are Coming…

Icons Are Coming…

I had a thought a few weeks ago which went something like, “What if I made my own icons?” Mainly because as you probably know, I’ve been using either Windows 7 or 10 icons for my applications or website and I wanted to change that. Starting from now, I will be rolling out new icons and applications will eventually get updated with those new icons too.

That’s all for this post, thank you for reading!



I’ve released a new version of Vivian, changes and download are below:

1. Moved all ‘Web Studio’ settings to the ‘Settings Panel’.
2. Added new ‘Favourite’ dialogue.
3. Added ability to favourite a page from a link.
4. Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Download it here.